While we uphold our commitment to ethical standards, our noteworthy legal cases frequently made headlines in Trinidad and Tobago and regional leading news outlets, providing insight into our impactful work within the bounds of legal regulations

Anand leads case questioning Gary Griffith’s appointment

“AS the controversy between Gary Griffith and the Police Service Commission (PolSC) rages on, a private citizen has filed High Court action claiming the commission did not legally appoint Griffith to act as Police Commissioner…” Read more

Former WPC gets $1.6m for fall

“A FORMER police officer has been awarded more than $1.5 million in compensation after she was injured in a fall at a police station in the Western Division in 2007…” Read more

State to pay 2 women for illegal quarantine

“THE State now has to fork out more than $.2 million to pay two women who were under State-supervised quarantine in 2020, having been suspected of contracting Covid-19 but turned out to be negative…” Read more

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