Judicial Reviews

Permanent Secretary & Ors V Ramjohn [2011] UKPC 20

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Acted for two Senior Public Servants from first instance to the Privy Council against the decision of the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago who vetoed their public service appointments.

Rampersad V Police [2011] UKPC 25

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Acted for the Appellant from first instance to the Privy Council to determine whether the point based promotion system used by the Police Service was rational and had been applied flexibly.

Ramsahai V Teaching Service Commission [2011] UKPC 26

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Acted for the Appellant from first instance to the Privy Council in a matter involving his eligibility for promotion to the post of Vice Principal based on the Trinidad and Tobago Teaching Service Commission requirements and the Public Service Commission Regulations.

Sankar & Ors V Public Services Commission (Rev 1) [2011] UKPC 27

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Acted for the Appellant from first instance to the Privy Council against the legitimacy of a decision of the Public Service Commission's use of an assessment tool in the process for determining promotion to the posts of Deputy Permanent Secretary

Ganga & Ors V Police [2011] UKPC 28

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Acted for the Appellant from first instance to the Privy Council against the decision of the Commissioner of Police for the use of the points-based system to determine the promotion of police officers.

Manning & Ors V Sharma [2009] UKPC 37

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Acted for Government Ministers from first instance to the Privy Council in a matter involving the publishing of information under the Freedom of Information Act 1999.

Sharma V. The Registrar To The Integrity Commission & Anor [2007] UKPC 42

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Acted for the Public Officers from first instance to the Privy Council in judicial proceedings related to the Integrity in Public Life Act 2000, concerning the declaration of assets,_ liabilities and income of persons in public life and the supervising and monitoring of ethical conduct

Naraynsingh V Commissioner Of Police [2003] UKPC 20

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Acted for the Appellant from first instance to the Privy Council against the decision of the Commissioner of Police to revoke the appellants firearm user's licence pursuant to the Firearms Act 1970.

Abzal Mohammed V. Police Service Commission CA. CIV 53/2009

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Acted for a Police Constable at the Court of Appeal which dealt with the constitutional jurisdiction of the Police Service Commission and the right of appeal.

Ramsaran, Rajnanan (Trading As Ramsaran’s Dairy Products) V The Comptroller Of Customs And Excise C.A.CIV.91/2004

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Acted for the Appellant at the Court of Appeal in an application for Judicial Review for breach of statutory duty by a public authority in light of the need for a cause of action known to law.

Seebalack Singh V The Agricultural Development Bank C.A.CIV.55/2004

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Acted for the former CEO of the ADB against the trial judge’s decision to deny the dismissed CEO of the ADB leave to be heard in a judicial review application filed by the CEO in which he challenged the decision of the bank to dismiss him for alleged misconduct.

Harinath Ramoutar V. Commissioner Of Prisons And Public Service Commission CA. CJV 112/2009

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Acted for the Appellant Prisons Officer in a procedural appeal from the trial Judge's order refusing leave to the Appellant to make a claim for judicial review of the decision of the Public Service Commission to pass him over for an appointment as acting Chief Prison Welfare Officer.

The Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha Of Trinidad And Tobago Inc. V The Honourable Minister Of Finance C.A.CIV.123/2004.

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Acted for the Appellant before the Court of Appeal to determine whether the appellant was entitled to request certain documents from the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago under the Freedom of Information Act, 1999 and whether the Ombudsman constituted an alternative remedy.

Davant Maharaj V. Statutory Authorities Service Commission CA CIV 24 Of 2005

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Represented the Appellant being the Marketing and PRO of the National Lotteries Control Board before the Court of Appeal to determine whether the Trial Judge was wrong by failing to grant a number of declarations he had sought pertain to damages, a mandamus directing the Commissioner to appoint him as a Deputy Director and that he was unfairly treated.

Chandresh Sharma V. Dr. Lenny Saith Minister Of Public Administration And Information CA. CIV. 29 Of 2006

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Represented the Appellant at the the Court of Appeal to appeal the Trail Judge’s dismissal of the Appellant's application for judicial review. The application related to the Respondent's failure to prepare and lay in both Houses of Parliament after the end of each year a report on the operation of the Freedom of Information Act in accordance with section 40(1) of the said Act

Krishna Rampersadsingh V. Chief Medical Officer, Permanent Secretary Ministry Of Health HCS. 637 Of 2004

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Acted for the Applicant who was the Senior Registrar in the department of obstetrics and Gynaecology at the South West Regional Health Authority at the High Court in a application for judicial review for the failure by the Chief Medical Officer to inform the Applicant of the precise nature of the allegations made against him and the unlawful bypassing of the Applicant to be appointed to act in the post of Specialist Medical Officer

Clyde Rampersad V. Public Service Commission H CS. 262/2005

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Acted for the Applicant, Prison Officer II at the High Court in an application for judicial review pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act after the Applicant was bypassed for promotion several times by junior officers and for the failure of the Public Service Commission to supply a number of documents pursuant to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.

Dennis Graham V. Police Service Commission And The Attorney General OfTrinidad And Tobago HC 2727/2004

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Acted for the Applicant, the Assistant Commissioner of Police at the High Court, in an Application for judicial review after he was unfairly treated by the Police Service Commission with respect to the backdating of his promotion to the office of Assistant Commissioner of Police.

Anthony Leach V. Public Service Commission H. C 1002/2004

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Acted for the Applicant, a Prison Officer, at the High Court in an application for judicial review after he was suspended for a period of over four years without the preferment of any charge by the Public Service Commission.

Jacqueline Solomon-Sankar V Statutory Authorities Service Commission HCS 1020/2005

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Acted for the Applicant in an application for judicial review to determine whether the Applicant was unfairly treated by the SASC when she applied to be transferred to another statutory authority.

Paula Barrimond V. Public Service Commission HCS. 1301/2005

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Acted for the Applicant, a Customs Officer I in an application for judicial review for the unreasonable delay in preferring disciplinary charges against the Applicant and the appointment of a Disciplinary Tribunal to hear and determine same

Samaroo V. Telecommunication Services Of Trinidad And Tobago I-IC 817/2006

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Acted at the High Court for the Applicant in a matter pertaining to a request of Information under the Freedom of Information Act 1999.

Romain V. Police Service Commission RC. 3985/2006

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Acted for the Claimant, a Police Constable, at the High Court in an application for judicial review after he was not considered for the promotion to the Rank of Police Corporal.

Devant Maharaj V. Statutory Authorities Service Commission HCS 1302/2005

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Acted at the High Court for the Applicant in an application for judicial review pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act for the failure of the Statutory Authorities Service Commission to make a decision on the Applicant's request for information in accordance with sections 15 and 23 of the Freedom of Information Act.

Harridath Maharaj V Public Service Commission HC 1093 Of 2007

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Seereeram V The Public Service Commission HCS 262-2001

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Acted for the Applicant in an application for judicial review pertaining to the failure of the PSC to follow and abide by the PSC regulations and the decision taken by the PSC to prefer disciplinary charges against the Applicant.

Ravi Doodnath Jaipaul V Public Service Commission And The Ombudsman Of Trinidad And Tobago CV 2007-03565

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Acted for the Applicant in a matter pertaining to a request of Information under the Freedom of Information Act 1999.

Vishnu Jugmohan V. Teaching Service Commission HC. 1055/2004

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Acted for the Applicant in an application for judicial review pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 1999 for disclosure of inter alia, the minutes of the Commission.

Chester Polo V. Public Service Commission HCS 1203/2002

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Acted in the High Court in a matter on behalf of the Applicant pertaining to the judicial review of the decision of the Public Service Commission to appoint another person to act in a post in which the Applicant had acted in for three years

The Integrity Commission V. The Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago HC. 1735/2005

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Acted for the UNC opposition party in a matter pertaining to the construction of paragraphs 8 and 9 of the Schedule to the Integrity In Public Life Act, 2000 as amended.

The National Lotteries Control Board V. The Statutory Authorities Service Commission And Devant Maharaj H C. 1688/2005

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Acted for Mr. Devant Maharaj at the High Court in an application for judicial review of the decision of the Statutory Authorities Service Commission not to prefer a charge of misconduct against Mr. Devant Maharaj .

Darren Baptiste V. Police Service Commission And Commissioner Of Prisons H C. 3288/2007

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Acted for the Claimant in the High Court in a matter pertaining to the omission of the Claimant from the list of persons selected for promotion to the rank of Corporal and the request for information under the freedom of Information Act, 1999.

Maharaj V. Teaching Service Commission & Anor (Trinidad And Tobago ) [2006] UKPC 36

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Acted for the Claimant school teacher from first instance to the Privy Council in a matter pertaining to the failure of the Commission to appoint the teacher to the Post of Vice-Principal

Civil Appeal No. 106 Of 2007 Susan Charleau V Commissioner Of Police

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Represented the Appellant in challenging the trial judge’s dismissal of her application for judicial review. The trial judge came to this decision without receiving any evidence in cross-examination or pursuant to subpoena.

HCA NO. S 111 OF 2003 Vernon Frederick And Others V Commissioner Of Prisons And Others

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Represented the Claimants in seeking relief against the Commissioner of Prisons and the Public Service Commission, in respect of the failure of the former to recommend them for promotion and of the latter for awarding promotions contrary to the requirements of regulation 168(2) of the Public Service Commission Regulations

H.C.A. No. S-1555 Of 2002 Ted Alexis V Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago

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Represented the Claimant in a claim that the Defendant maliciously and without reasonable and probable cause preferred against the Claimant the charge of having in his possession a dangerous drug, namely cocaine, for the purpose of trafficking contrary to Section 5(4) of the Dangerous Drugs Act No. 30 of 1991


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Ravi Doodnath Jaipaul V Public Service Commission And The Ombudsman Of Trinidad And Tobago CV 2007-03565

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Acted for the Applicant in a matter pertaining to a request of Information under the Freedom of Information Act 1999.

Permanent Secretary & Ors V Ramjohn [2011] UKPC 20

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Acted for two Senior Public Servants from first instance to the Privy Council against the decision of the Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago who vetoed their public service appointments.

Rampersad V Police [2011] UKPC 25

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Acted for the Appellant from first instance to the Privy Council to determine whether the point based promotion system used by the Police Service was rational and had been applied flexibly.

Ramsahai V Teaching Service Commission [2011] UKPC 26

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Acted for the Appellant from first instance to the Privy Council in a matter involving his eligibility for promotion to the post of Vice Principal based on the Trinidad and Tobago Teaching Service Commission requirements and the Public Service Commission Regulations.

Sankar & Ors V Public Services Commission (Rev 1) [2011] UKPC 27

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Acted for the Appellant from first instance to the Privy Council against the legitimacy of a decision of the Public Service Commission's use of an assessment tool in the process for determining promotion to the posts of Deputy Permanent Secretary

Ganga & Ors V Police [2011] UKPC 28

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Acted for the Appellant from first instance to the Privy Council against the decision of the Commissioner of Police for the use of the points-based system to determine the promotion of police officers.

Manning & Ors V Sharma [2009] UKPC 37

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Acted for Government Ministers from first instance to the Privy Council in a matter involving the publishing of information under the Freedom of Information Act 1999.

Sharma V. The Registrar To The Integrity Commission & Anor [2007] UKPC 42

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Acted for the Public Officers from first instance to the Privy Council in judicial proceedings related to the Integrity in Public Life Act 2000, concerning the declaration of assets,_ liabilities and income of persons in public life and the supervising and monitoring of ethical conduct

Naraynsingh V Commissioner Of Police [2003] UKPC 20

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Acted for the Appellant from first instance to the Privy Council against the decision of the Commissioner of Police to revoke the appellants firearm user's licence pursuant to the Firearms Act 1970.

Abzal Mohammed V. Police Service Commission CA. CIV 53/2009

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Acted for a Police Constable at the Court of Appeal which dealt with the constitutional jurisdiction of the Police Service Commission and the right of appeal.

Ramsaran, Rajnanan (Trading As Ramsaran’s Dairy Products) V The Comptroller Of Customs And Excise C.A.CIV.91/2004

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Acted for the Appellant at the Court of Appeal in an application for Judicial Review for breach of statutory duty by a public authority in light of the need for a cause of action known to law.

Seebalack Singh V The Agricultural Development Bank C.A.CIV.55/2004

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Acted for the former CEO of the ADB against the trial judge’s decision to deny the dismissed CEO of the ADB leave to be heard in a judicial review application filed by the CEO in which he challenged the decision of the bank to dismiss him for alleged misconduct.

Harinath Ramoutar V. Commissioner Of Prisons And Public Service Commission CA. CJV 112/2009

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Acted for the Appellant Prisons Officer in a procedural appeal from the trial Judge's order refusing leave to the Appellant to make a claim for judicial review of the decision of the Public Service Commission to pass him over for an appointment as acting Chief Prison Welfare Officer.

The Sanatan Dharma Maha Sabha Of Trinidad And Tobago Inc. V The Honourable Minister Of Finance C.A.CIV.123/2004.

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Acted for the Appellant before the Court of Appeal to determine whether the appellant was entitled to request certain documents from the Central Bank of Trinidad and Tobago under the Freedom of Information Act, 1999 and whether the Ombudsman constituted an alternative remedy.

Davant Maharaj V. Statutory Authorities Service Commission CA CIV 24 Of 2005

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Represented the Appellant being the Marketing and PRO of the National Lotteries Control Board before the Court of Appeal to determine whether the Trial Judge was wrong by failing to grant a number of declarations he had sought pertain to damages, a mandamus directing the Commissioner to appoint him as a Deputy Director and that he was unfairly treated.

Chandresh Sharma V. Dr. Lenny Saith Minister Of Public Administration And Information CA. CIV. 29 Of 2006

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Represented the Appellant at the the Court of Appeal to appeal the Trail Judge’s dismissal of the Appellant's application for judicial review. The application related to the Respondent's failure to prepare and lay in both Houses of Parliament after the end of each year a report on the operation of the Freedom of Information Act in accordance with section 40(1) of the said Act.

Krishna Rampersadsingh V. Chief Medical Officer, Permanent Secretary Ministry Of Health HCS. 637 Of 2004

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Acted for the Applicant who was the Senior Registrar in the department of obstetrics and Gynaecology at the South West Regional Health Authority at the High Court in a application for judicial review for the failure by the Chief Medical Officer to inform the Applicant of the precise nature of the allegations made against him and the unlawful bypassing of the Applicant to be appointed to act in the post of Specialist Medical Officer

Clyde Rampersad V. Public Service Commission H CS. 262/2005

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Acted for the Applicant, Prison Officer II at the High Court in an application for judicial review pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act after the Applicant was bypassed for promotion several times by junior officers and for the failure of the Public Service Commission to supply a number of documents pursuant to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act.

Dennis Graham V. Police Service Commission And The Attorney General OfTrinidad And Tobago HC 2727/2004

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Acted for the Applicant, the Assistant Commissioner of Police at the High Court, in an Application for judicial review after he was unfairly treated by the Police Service Commission with respect to the backdating of his promotion to the office of Assistant Commissioner of Police.

Anthony Leach V. Public Service Commission H. C 1002/2004

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Acted for the Applicant, a Prison Officer, at the High Court in an application for judicial review after he was suspended for a period of over four years without the preferment of any charge by the Public Service Commission.

Jacqueline Solomon-Sankar V Statutory Authorities Service Commission HCS 1020/2005

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Acted for the Applicant in an application for judicial review to determine whether the Applicant was unfairly treated by the SASC when she applied to be transferred to another statutory authority.

Paula Barrimond V. Public Service Commission HCS. 1301/2005

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Acted for the Applicant, a Customs Officer I in an application for judicial review for the unreasonable delay in preferring disciplinary charges against the Applicant and the appointment of a Disciplinary Tribunal to hear and determine same.

Samaroo V. Telecommunication Services Of Trinidad And Tobago I-IC 817/2006

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Acted at the High Court for the Applicant in a matter pertaining to a request of Information under the Freedom of Information Act 1999.

Romain V. Police Service Commission RC. 3985/2006

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Acted for the Claimant, a Police Constable, at the High Court in an application for judicial review after he was not considered for the promotion to the Rank of Police Corporal.

Devant Maharaj V. Statutory Authorities Service Commission HCS 1302/2005

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Acted at the High Court for the Applicant in an application for judicial review pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act for the failure of the Statutory Authorities Service Commission to make a decision on the Applicant's request for information in accordance with sections 15 and 23 of the Freedom of Information Act.

Harridath Maharaj V Public Service Commission HC 1093 Of 2007

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Seereeram v The Public Service Commission HCS 262-2001

Seereeram V The Public Service Commission HCS 262-2001

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Acted for the Applicant in an application for judicial review pertaining to the failure of the PSC to follow and abide by the PSC regulations and the decision taken by the PSC to prefer disciplinary charges against the Applicant.

Vishnu Jugmohan V. Teaching Service Commission HC. 1055/2004

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Acted for the Applicant in an application for judicial review pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, 1999 for disclosure of inter alia, the minutes of the Commission.

Chester Polo V. Public Service Commission HCS 1203/2002

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Acted in the High Court in a matter on behalf of the Applicant pertaining to the judicial review of the decision of the Public Service Commission to appoint another person to act in a post in which the Applicant had acted in for three years.

The Integrity Commission V. The Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago HC. 1735/2005

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Acted for the UNC opposition party in a matter pertaining to the construction of paragraphs 8 and 9 of the Schedule to the Integrity In Public Life Act, 2000 as amended.

The National Lotteries Control Board V. The Statutory Authorities Service Commission And Devant Maharaj H C. 1688/2005

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Acted for Mr. Devant Maharaj at the High Court in an application for judicial review of the decision of the Statutory Authorities Service Commission not to prefer a charge of misconduct against Mr. Devant Maharaj .

Darren Baptiste V. Police Service Commission And Commissioner Of Prisons H C. 3288/2007

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Acted for the Claimant in the High Court in a matter pertaining to the omission of the Claimant from the list of persons selected for promotion to the rank of Corporal and the request for information under the freedom of Information Act, 1999.

Maharaj V. Teaching Service Commission & Anor (Trinidad And Tobago ) [2006] UKPC 36

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Acted for the Claimant school teacher from first instance to the Privy Council in a matter pertaining to the failure of the Commission to appoint the teacher to the Post of Vice-Principal.

Civil Appeal No. 106 Of 2007 Susan Charleau V Commissioner Of Police

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Represented the Appellant in challenging the trial judge’s dismissal of her application for judicial review. The trial judge came to this decision without receiving any evidence in cross-examination or pursuant to subpoena.

HCA NO. S 111 OF 2003 Vernon Frederick And Others V Commissioner Of Prisons And Others

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Represented the Claimants in seeking relief against the Commissioner of Prisons and the Public Service Commission, in respect of the failure of the former to recommend them for promotion and of the latter for awarding promotions contrary to the requirements of regulation 168(2) of the Public Service Commission Regulations

H.C.A. No. S-1555 Of 2002 Ted Alexis V Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago

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Represented the Claimant in a claim that the Defendant maliciously and without reasonable and probable cause preferred against the Claimant the charge of having in his possession a dangerous drug, namely cocaine, for the purpose of trafficking contrary to Section 5(4) of the Dangerous Drugs Act No. 30 of 1991.