While we uphold our commitment to ethical standards, our noteworthy legal cases frequently made headlines in Trinidad and Tobago and regional leading news outlets, providing insight into our impactful work within the bounds of legal regulations

Egg on Govt’s face

“The Vincent Nelson debacle that has now exploded in the Government’s face demands nothing less than a thorough investigation into the Rowley administration’s involvement with the disgraced attorney,…” Read more

State to pay 2 women for illegal quarantine

“THE State now has to fork out more than $.2 million to pay two women who were under State-supervised quarantine in 2020, having been suspected of contracting Covid-19 but turned out to be negative…” Read more


“Attorney General Reginald Armour, SC, is seeking the advice of senior and junior counsel in the imbroglio involving ­former attorney general, now Local Government Minister, Faris Al-Rawi, and Chief Parliamentary Counsel Ian MacIntyre, SC, one of the top public servants in the AG’s Office…” Read more

Judge condemns police actions

“A HIGH COURT judge has condemned the actions of two policemen who sexually harassed a suspect they arrested and held for two days at the Four Roads station in February 2017, before releasing her without charges…” Read more

Senior fireman wins discrimination case

“A senior fire officer is set to receive compensation for being bypassed for promotion in favour of a colleague, who was his junior. On Monday, High Court Judge Margaret Mohammed delivered a 57-page judgment in which she upheld acting Assistant Chief Fire Officer Siewnarine Ramsaran’s judicial review and constitutional motion lawsuit against the Chief Fire Officer, Public Service Commission (PSC) and the Office of the Attorney General…” Read more

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