Sahatoo v AG of Trinidad and Tobago

“The Board affirmed the COA’s decision and dismissed the appeal. The Appellant relied on information which he received on May 1990 that selection is solely based on the Merit List but this was deemed misleading…”

Rambarran v Cabinet of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago

“This case concerns an application for leave to challenge decisions made by the Intended respondent, namely the refusal to provide a Statement of Reasons regarding the decision to revoke the appointment of the applicant Intended claimant…”

Maharaj v The Attorney General and Police Service Commission

“This case concerns the constitutionality of the Commissioner of Police and Deputy Commissioner of Police (Selection Process) Order 2015 which mandates that the Police Service Commission initiate the selection process for candidates for Commissioner of Police and Deputy Commissioner of Police only upon request from the Minister of National Security (“the Minister”)….”

Ragoonath v Roget

“The case concerns an undefended action for defamation in which the court awarded damages to the claimant and exercised its inherent jurisdiction to order the defendant to make an unconditional apology to the claimant…”