While we uphold our commitment to ethical standards, our noteworthy legal cases frequently made headlines in Trinidad and Tobago and regional leading news outlets, providing insight into our impactful work within the bounds of legal regulations

Jacob in the dark about TTPS release

“Acting Police Commissioner McDonald Jacob said last night he was in the dark over a news release issued by the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS), inviting the media to a news conference today with “Mr McDonald Jacob” and “Mr Gary Griffith”…” Read more

Auditor General Hits Back

“attacks launched against her character by both the AG and Minister of Finance Colm Imbert, which she considers “false, malicious, and misleading,” leave her in doubt that the Government could “fairly be permitted to select counsel to represent her…” Read more

Pandemic Hits Law Clerks Hard

“Those that are still alive, healthy and strong are finding it difficult to get work. I’m speaking about a class of workers that before the pandemic was crucial to having a functioning legal office. They are legal clerks, also called law clerks…” Read more

Judge rules against Prison Commissioner

“A HIGH COURT judge has ruled against the Commissioner of Prisons for the unreasonable delay in reclassifying a prison guard’s sick leave to injury leave which hindered his National Insurance Employment Injury Benefit payment…”Read more

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