Attorney wants sanctions for tardy judges

“AN attorney has called on the Chief Justice to sanction judges for tardiness in giving reasons for their decisions in a timely fashion. Attorney Anthony Manwah wants these reasons to be given at the time of the decision, and not afterward…” Read more

Egg on Govt’s face

“The Vincent Nelson debacle that has now exploded in the Government’s face demands nothing less than a thorough investigation into the Rowley administration’s involvement with the disgraced attorney,…” Read more

Talk-show host, radio station appeal Potts defamation ruling

“POPULAR sports talk-show host Andre E Baptiste and Gem Radio – the owner of radio station I95.5 FM – have appealed a judge’s ruling that they defamed boxing promoter Boxu Potts in a series of broadcasts from 2012-2014…” Read more

UNC’s local government challenge set for Friday, media blanked from sitting

“THE OPPOSITION UNC’s legal challenge against the Government’s decision to proclaim parts of the recently passed Local Government Reform Bill that could allow for local government elections to be delayed by a year comes up for hearing on Friday. The bill passed on June 14 with a simple majority in Parliament…” Read more