Regiment ordered to promote soldier, compensate him

“A soldier who challenged the failure of the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) to promote him to the rank of sergeant, forcing him to retire from the TT Regiment in August, will be compensated for the unreasonable, irrational, and unlawful decision…” Read more

The Quest to Defuse Guyana’s Carbon Bomb

“N LATE JUNE, inside a squat concrete building in Georgetown, Guyana, on a noisy street flanked by telephone repair shops and beauty supply stores, two lawyers were waging one of the most significant legal battles in the global fight…” Read more

Chaguanas farmer wins lease renewal case

“A Chaguanas farmer has succeeded in her lawsuit over an almost two-decade-long delay in renewing her lease for a parcel of land formerly held by now-defunct State sugar company Caroni (1975) Ltd…” Read more

Magistrate retroactively promoted to High Court as Master

“LESS than a month after she filed a lawsuit against the Judicial and Legal Services Commission (JLSC) over allegedly being bypassed for promotion because of a disciplinary complaint, Sarah De Silva assumed duties as a Master of the High Court…” Read more

AG claims the file went missing

“If, as the AG claims the file went missing, I’d like the attorneys representing the state, Karen Reid-Ballantyne and Amrita Ramsook to explain what file they used to present such a weak defence on behalf of the people of Trinidad and Tobago.” Read more

US court upholds Piarco Inquiry disqualification –ARMOUR LOSES AGAIN

“A UNITED STATES appeals court has affirmed the disqualification of Attorney General Reginald Armour, SC, and a Miami law firm, from representing Government in the multi-million-dollar civil asset forfeiture case linked to the construction of the Piarco Airport terminal building 22 years ago…” Read more