Standing up for the small man

“I am, however, saddened by the fact that the Government compromised the independent office of the Governor of the Central Bank by its ruthless, unfair and unjustified termination of my appointment as governor, in breach of my constitutional rights…” Read more

Ex-prisoner seeks asylum in UK

“AN ex-convicted prisoner of the Women’s Prison in Arouca who now lives in the United Kingdom where she has applied for asylum has filed a constitutional claim against the State…” Read more

Hang up on jokey TSTT case

“FRIDAY’S ruling by the Court of Appeal that the Telecommunication Services (TSTT) is a public body subject to the Freedom of Information Act was an inevitable outcome which now provides clarification on a matter that should never have required clarification in the first place…” Read more

A blow for advocacy

“Mr Charles was an advocate for something very specific: the right of people accused of wrongdoing to be free. But what matters even more is the fact that he was an advocate at all… Read more