Ramanoop v Attorney General

“The case concerns a constitutional motion seeking relief against the State for breach of the applicant’s constitutional rights, and raises the issue of whether the court can grant exemplary damages in an appropriate case for such breaches of constitutional rights…”

Chaitan v Khan and Peters v Khan

“The case concerns an application for stay or adjournment of election petitions pending the determination of constitutional motions before the Court of Appeal…”

Geeta Ragoonath v Ancel Roget

“Ms. Ragoonath’s claim for libel concerns statements made by Mr. 13 Jun 2023 15:13:16 1/12 User-generated version Amirah Ramdass Roget about her actions as Human Resource Manager of NP over a recent industrial relations dispute between NP and OWTU. The OWTU is the recognized majority union for certain bargaining units at NP…”