Gordon v Panday

“This case concerns allegations of defamation against the plaintiff, who sought damages for the allegedly defamatory words spoken by the defendant…”

Panday v Gordon

“The case concerns an appeal against a judgment in a defamation action, where the appellant claimed that his statement was a political view and therefore, his constitutional freedom of expression bars the defamation action…”

Panday v Gordon

“The Prime Minister of Trinidad and Tobago was sued for defamation after accusing a prominent businessman of using racism to maintain a commercial advantage over his competitors in the media business…”

Ramanoop v Attorney General

“The case concerns an application for redress under section 14 of the Constitution of Trinidad and Tobago for breaches of the applicant’s rights under sections 4(a) and 4(b)…”

Ramanoop v Attorney General

“The case concerns a constitutional motion seeking relief against the State for breach of the applicant’s constitutional rights, and raises the issue of whether the court can grant exemplary damages in an appropriate case for such breaches of constitutional rights…”

Boodoosingh v Ramnarace

“The case involves an appeal against a judgment for damages for assault and battery, in which fresh evidence was presented before the Court of Appeal…”

Bhagwandeen v Attorney General

“The appeal concerns an allegation of discrimination by a police officer against the Commissioner of Police in refusing to recommend him for promotion…”