Maharaj v Teaching Service Commission

“Relief sought by plaintiff for an order of certiorari quashing the decision of the Teaching Service Commission by which it failed to revoke the appointment of another person as Principal of the Picton Presbyterian Primary School…”

Ramanoop v Attorney General

“Whether the Court can grant exemplary damages under the Constitution — In an appropriate case for a breach of a constitutional right, the Court can order exemplary damages…”

Mohanlal Bhagwandeen v Attorney General of Trinidad and Tobago

“The issue in the present appeal is whether the Commissioner of Police (the Commissioner) had treated him unequally and/or unfairly and had discriminated against him in refusing to recommend him for promotion from the rank of constable to that of corporal, contrary to section 4(b) and (d) of the Constitution…”

Visham Boodoosingh v Richard Ramnarace

“At about 1.00 a.m. on 9 August 1998, in a Bar at Penal, the respondent suffered serious injuries when he was shot in the face by the appellant…”

Chaitan v Khan and Peters v Khan

“the appellants have challenged the decision of the trial judge before who petitions brought by the respondents are listed for trial, rejecting their application for a stay or adjournment of those petitions to a date after the Court of Appeal determines their appeals…”