Recent Cases

CV2015-02257 Lawrence And Others V The Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago

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Represented the Claimants in seeking a declaration that their denial by the Defendant of access to their attorneys and in turn the denial of their attorneys’ access to their clients for the purpose of interviewing, taking instructions and taking photographs of their clients injuries was a breach of their constitutional rights guaranteed under 4 (a) (b), 5(2) (c) (ii) and 5 (2) (h) of the Constitution of Trinidad and Tobago.

CV 2016-01460 Bisnath Maharaj V The Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago

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Represented a former Director of the Strategic Services Agency in a matter challenging his termination and argued that there was a breach of his constitutionally protected rights to due process, protection of the law and natural justice in its failure to give him an opportunity to be heard before or provide him with reasons for his termination from the post of Director.

CV2017–03276 Sharon Roop V The Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago

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Represented a Muslim woman police officer who claimed that her right of freedom of conscience, religious belief and observance had been breached since she was not permitted to wear the hijab with her uniform whilst at work.

CV 2015-02943 Geelal V The Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago

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Represented the Claimants in a matter where their monies at their place of business were detained pursuant to the Proceeds of Crime Act, Chap 11:27. It was successfully argued that the detention order was unconstitutional and/or of no legal effect and the monies should be returned.

CV 2016 – 03528 Phillip Castor V The Comptroller Of Customs

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Represented the Claimant in a matter where Fifty-five (55) televisions shipped in by the Claimant were seized by Customs officers. The Defendant argued that the seizure was on grounds of breach of Section 213(e) of the Customs Act Chap 78.01. However, there was no explanation of the breach. The case for the Defence was that the Claimant was suspected of having caused customs officers to assess his television sets at an under value, so as to pay less import duties. It was argued on behalf of the Claimant that his constitutional right to enjoyment of property was breached since he had been deprived of same without due process.

Civil Appeal No. P351 Of 2016 The Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago V Danielle St Omer

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Represented the Respondent in the appeal which concerned whether the constitutional right to bail in section 5(1) was taken away by section 5(5)(b)(ii) of the Bail Act.

Civil Appeal No. 257 Of 2008 Michael Dindayal V Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago

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Represented the Appellant in an appeal from the dismissal of the appellant’s constitutional motion in which one of the primary issues involves consideration of the appellant’s delay in filing his claim for constitutional relief.

CV 2016-01218 Harridath Maharaj V Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago

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Acted for the Claimant in challenging the 2015 “selection process” order of the Commissioner of Police as being unconstitutional in that it contravenes the constitutional independence of the Police Service Commission as recognized and affirmed on multiple occasions by the Privy Council.

Devant Maharaj V PETROTRIN [2019] UKPC 21

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Acted for the Appellant from first instance to the Privy Council in a matter concerning the refusal of a request made by the appellant pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1999 (“FOIA”) for disclosure of certain documents by the Respondent, a state-owned company. The documents in issue were certain witness statements filed in arbitration proceedings between Petrotrin and World GTL Inc and World GTL St Lucia Ltd (together, “World GTL”).

CV2017-01900 Prakash Thackoor V Sarah Ramdeen

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Consulted as Senior Counsel on behalf of the Defendant in a possession claim brought against her by her father-in-law on the death of her husband.

CV 2016 – 04562 Artma Maharaj And Others V Samaroo Ragoonanan

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Represented the Claimant in a claim for possession having had exclusive, undisturbed and continuous control of a parcel of land for over 16 years such that the defendant’s paper title thereto has been extinguished.

CV2015-02479 Bhagwantee Singh-Weekes V South-West Regional Health Authority

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Represented the Claimant in an action on behalf of the estate of her deceased son who died due to negligence of the Defendant regional health authority.

CV 2015-4110 Khamraj Ramsahai V Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago

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Successfully represented the Claimant in a claim for damages and consequential loss having been attacked by a prisoner while on remand at the Golden Grove Prison, Arouca.

CV2016-01487 Asram Pariagsingh V Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago

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Successfully represented the Claimant in a claim for damages and consequential loss as a result of him falling due to a wet concrete floor at the La Brea Police Station.

CV2016-00599 Vidya Jaglal V The University Of The West Indies And Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago

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Successfully represented the Claimant in a claim for damages and consequential loss as a result of negligence of the Defendants whereby she was struck at the back of her head with a cricket hardball (cork ball) which passed through one of the ventilation holes of the wall of the classroom

CV 2016 – 03528 Phillip Castor V The Comptroller Of Customs

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Represented the Claimant in judicial review proceedings against the Defendant challenging its decision to withhold the Claimant’s good on the ground of “fraudulent evasion” of any import or export duties or attempt of same.

CV2017-00494 Kalawatie Godeck V Chief Fire Officer

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Acted for the Claimant in challenging the fees to be paid for the release of documents requested under the Freedom of Information Act.

CV 2017-02046 Raphael Mohammed V The Commissioner Of Prisons

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Acted for the Claimant Prison Officer in seeking judicial review of the Defendants’ unreasonable delay in rendering a decision as to the Claimant’s entitlement to injury leave.

CV2018-01817 Devant Maharaj V Port Authority Of Trinidad And Tobago

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Appeared for the Claimant in judicial review proceedings seeking the disclosure of certain documents from the defendant pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act Chap. 22:02 (the FOIA).

CV2018-01818 Favianna Gajadhar V The Public Service Commission

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Acted for the Claimant in challenging a decision of the PSC that she resigned her office with effect from June 21, 2007, under regulation 49 of the Public Service Commission Regulations Chap 1:01.

Procedural Appeal No. S222 Of 2018 Strategic Services Agency V Ravi Balgobin Maharaj

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Acted for the Claimant teacher challenging the failure to promote her andMr Ramlogan SC appeared for the Claimant in a claim for judicial review of the appellant’s refusal to provide copies of the following documents in response to a request under the Freedom of Information Act Chapter 22:02 breaching her legitimate expectation for promotion.

CV2017-04451 Ramdath Phillip V Commissioner Of Police

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Appeared for the Claimant in judicial review proceedings challenging the criteria utilized by the Commissioner for promotion.

CV2018-04275 Candice Greenidge V The Ministry Of Education And Others

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Acted for the Claimant teacher challenging the failure to promote her and breaching her legitimate expectation for promotion.

CV2019-00460 Roodal Moonilal V AGTT And The Speaker Of The House Of Representatives

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Represented the Claimant in proceedings challenging the validity of a Parliamentary Committee’s decisions in relation to him on the basis that the Committee was guilty of apparent bias.

CV2018-02933 Gabriel Jacob V PETROTRIN

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Represented the Claimant in challenging the refusal of the Defendant to grant access to documents sought under the Freedom of Information Act.

CV.2019-00195 Videsh Seepersad V Statutory Authorities Service Commission

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Represented officers of the Municipal Police Service in challenging the promotion process adopted by the SASC.

CV 2017-2570 Vashti Pirmal V Minister Of Education

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Acted for the Claimant in judicial review proceedings relating to the continuing failure and/or refusal of the Ministry of Education to approve and/or pay her Motor Vehicle Upkeep Allowance for a period of seven years.

CV2018-01642Devant Maharaj V Ministry Of Agriculture, Land And Fisheries

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Aced for the Claimant in judicial review proceedings against the Defendant involving its failure to comply with the duties under the Livestock and Livestock Products Board Act

Devant Maharaj V NESC [2019] UKPC 5

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Aced for the Appellant at the Privy Council in an appeal concerning delay in the making of an application for leave to apply for judicial review and, in particular, the precise significance of the presence or absence of prejudice to the rights of any person or detriment to good administration resulting from the grant of leave or any relief.

Devant Maharaj V PETROTRIN [2019] UKPC 21

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Acted for the Appellant from first instance to the Privy Council in a matter concerning the refusal of a request made by the appellant pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act 1999 (“FOIA”) for disclosure of certain documents by the Respondent, a state-owned company. The documents in issue were certain witness statements filed in arbitration proceedings between Petrotrin and World GTL Inc and World GTL St Lucia Ltd (together, “World GTL”).

CV 2016-01218 Harridath Maharaj V Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago

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Acted for the Claimant in challenging the 2015 “selection process” order of the Commissioner of Police as being unconstitutional in that it contravenes the constitutional independence of the Police Service Commission as recognized and affirmed on multiple occasions by the Privy Council.

Civil Appeal No. 257 Of 2008 Michael Dindayal V Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago

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Represented the Appellant in an appeal from the dismissal of the appellant’s constitutional motion in which one of the primary issues involves consideration of the appellant’s delay in filing his claim for constitutional relief.

Civil Appeal No. P351 Of 2016 The Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago V Danielle St Omer

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Represented the Respondent in the appeal which concerned whether the constitutional right to bail in section 5(1) was taken away by section 5(5)(b)(ii) of the Bail Act.

CV 2016 – 03528 Phillip Castor V The Comptroller Of Customs

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Represented the Claimant in a matter where Fifty-five (55) televisions shipped in by the Claimant were seized by Customs officers. The Defendant argued that the seizure was on grounds of breach of Section 213(e) of the Customs Act Chap 78.01. However, there was no explanation of the breach. The case for the Defence was that the Claimant was suspected of having caused customs officers to assess his television sets at an under value, so as to pay less import duties. It was argued on behalf of the Claimant that his constitutional right to enjoyment of property was breached since he had been deprived of same without due process.

CV 2015-02943 Geelal V The Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago

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Represented the Claimants in a matter where their monies at their place of business were detained pursuant to the Proceeds of Crime Act, Chap 11:27. It was successfully argued that the detention order was unconstitutional and/or of no legal effect and the monies should be returned.

CV2017–03276 Sharon Roop V The Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago

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Represented a Muslim woman police officer who claimed that her right of freedom of conscience, religious belief and observance had been breached since she was not permitted to wear the hijab with her uniform whilst at work.

CV 2016-01460 Bisnath Maharaj V The Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago

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Represented a former Director of the Strategic Services Agency in a matter challenging his termination and argued that there was a breach of his constitutionally protected rights to due process, protection of the law and natural justice in its failure to give him an opportunity to be heard before or provide him with reasons for his termination from the post of Director.

CV2015-02257 Lawrence And Others V The Attorney General Of Trinidad And Tobago

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Represented the Claimants in seeking a declaration that their denial by the Defendant of access to their attorneys and in turn the denial of their attorneys’ access to their clients for the purpose of interviewing, taking instructions and taking photographs of their clients injuries was a breach of their constitutional rights guaranteed under 4 (a) (b), 5(2) (c) (ii) and 5 (2) (h) of the Constitution of Trinidad and Tobago.