“Attorney General Reginald Armour, SC, is seeking the advice of senior and junior counsel in the imbroglio involving ­former attorney general, now Local Government Minister, Faris Al-Rawi, and Chief Parliamentary Counsel Ian MacIntyre, SC, one of the top public servants in the AG’s Office…” Read more

The Faris brand

“Unworthy individ­uals have always surfaced in the politics of Trini­dad and Tobago. But over the last three decades, there has been such a proliferation, the norm is now various immorality in politics and Government in this country. Tragic!” Read more

Connecting the dots

“Owing to pressures on my time I was unable last Sunday to join in the commentary on the Prime Minister’s confession that he was the high official present at President’s House in August 2021…” Read more

Judge throws out AG’s lawsuit against Watson Duke

“WATSON Duke is no longer a defendant in the AG’s interpretation claim over his appointment as deputy chief secretary of the Tobago House of Assembly (THA) while still head of the Public Service Association (PSA)…” Read more

TSTT farce

“THAT the Court of Appeal could soon ponder the purported legal question of whether the Telecommunications Services of TT (TSTT) is a public authority is not a cause for celebration. It is a cause for concern…” Read more

Paria diving tragedy enquiry in pre-hearing stage

“THE Commission of Enquiry (CoE) into the tragic deaths of four divers at a pipeline at Pointe-a-Pierre belonging to Paria Fuel Trading Company Ltd in February, is in its pre-hearing stage…” Read more

Privy Council told: Parliament did not trust Judiciary on bail

“THE Privy Council has been urged not to be swayed by a claim there was a measure of mistrust by the Parliament of the Judiciary when it passed legislation in 1994 to introduce a prohibition to bail for anyone charged with murder…” Read more