
Mr. Richard Clayton KC


Richard is a commercial litigator / arbitrator and undertakes a wide range of advisory and litigation work (both for and against public bodies) covering community care, data protection/Freedom of Information, discrimination and public sector equality duties, education, environmental, healthcare, human rights, licensing, local government (e.g. vires and powers, constitutional issues and governance, elections, finance), public procurement, Privy Council, international work (particularly constitutional work), police actions and regulatory/disciplinary work.

He has extensive experience in conducting Supreme Court and Privy Council appeals and Lord Wilson in Mohammed v Public Service Commission of Trinidad [2017] UKPC 31 said “Mr Clayton QC with the charm and skill which is characteristic of him.” Chambers Directory 2019 describes Richard as “one of the finest minds at the Bar… an intellectual giant who is an asset to the Bar” and in 2018 said he was “very sharp when it comes to tactics. He is very good at guiding you on what the judge is likely to be thinking, his “command of the subject is almost second to none. He’s thoughtful, approachable, and very client-focus”, “affable and has a mature approach” “calm, reliable and consistent” and “ has a very wide knowledge of the law.”